Elder Care Cost Statistics Dashboard

stolen pills

$50,000 stolen

An elderly care facility employee in Georgia said they stole more then $50,000 from accounts they managed.

  • used a debit card for the patients
  • filled out checks to themself

$28.3 Billion

The amount that victims of Elder Financial Exploitation loose annually.

Stolen by known others—such as family, friends, and caregivers from senior adults.

$20.3 Billion

The average victim of elder abuse is a woman over the age of 75 who lives alone

Older Woman living alone

$28.3 Billion

The amount that victims of Elder Financial Exploitation loose annually.



In Many Cases

the elderly victim

had the financial exploitation verified

but refused to press charges

stolen pills

11,328.5 tablets stolen

A study of Long Term care homes showed that between 2013 and 2021 over 11,000 tablets were stolen.

  • over 30 tablets per person
  • 97.5% were controlled substances

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