How are facilities rated?

We have developed a proprietary rating system that uses the information from the local government data and other reporting metrics compiled to create the ratings you see for the facilities.

Can I submit a review for somewhere that I've visited / where a friend lives?

Unfortunately no. Unlike many sites that are out there, the ratings at Safe Secure Seniors are not driven by how many people give good or bad reviews. Rather, they are based on real data from the professionals and departments who rate and grade the cleanliness and safety of the facilities for a living.

Do you have information on the surrounding area?

Currently, the information on the facilities' surrounding area is limited.

Can I book a showing or room directly through this website?

We are here to help provide you with information to make an informed decision as a consumer. You must contact the facility or caregiver independently to make living arrangements. This ensures we can provide an unbiased view and have our search engine show you commission-driven listings.

Do you have a checklist for in-person visits to screen facilities?

We have several tools available for paid subscribers, including checklists and other helpful tools. These are useful if you, your spouse, a parent, or a loved one are trying to transition to their next living center.

Why would I not just use my social worker for free?

We are running these systems that present the seachable results to you and enhanced comparison tools, not on government databases, but on systems we have created. These systems allow you to put in the put in the parameters you feel is most important to YOU.
Not a social worker, not a commissioned salesperson trying to get a placement fee who might not have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

The information on our site allows you to make an informed decison on your own terms and schedule. However, if time is the one thing you have in abundance, then your social worker might be your best option. You can review the options presented to you, ask a few questions, and then wait for the next round of choices to be be presented to you.

How is one of your facilites rated 5 stars when I see it online as 1 star?

We are running these systems that present the seachable results to you and enhanced comparison tools, not on government databases, but on systems we have created. These systems allow you to put in the put in the parameters you feel is most important to YOU.
Not a social worker, not a commissioned salesperson trying to get a placement fee who might not have all the information you need to make an informed decision.